Open Access Week Will Feature Keynote Speech At Hamilton Library [University of Hawaiʻi]
Teri Skillman | University of Hawai‘i System | October 12, 2012
Lorraine Haricombe, Dean of Libraries at Kansas University, will give the keynote address for Open Access Week on Monday, October 22, 2012, from 11:30 a.m to 1 p.m. in the Hamilton Library Alcove. The topic of her talk will be, "Open Access: An Evolving Alternative or a Maturing Threat?”
Haricombe has been instrumental in the development of a faculty-initiated open access policy adopted by KU. She is a founding member of the Coalition of Open Access Policy Institutions, and serves as the KU Provost's designate for open access implementation at KU.
She is a member of the Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition Steering Committee and serves on the South African Research Library Consortium’s Executive Management Team.
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