Do Epic Customers Have EMR Stockholm Syndrome?

Anne Zieger | Hospital EMR & EHR | December 12, 2012

According to a recent piece appearing  in,  by next year an astonishing 40 percent the U.S. population will have their medical data stored in an Epic system. Heaven only knows how many billions of dollars of IT capital outlay that represents. What we can safely guess is that not a single customer making up that list failed to make painful sacrifices to bring Epic on board.

Having spent so much and worked so hard to get Epic up and running, you’d expect to hear at least some complaints from hospital C-suites about the ordeal of it all.  And despite its popularity, you’d expect far more hospitals to blanch at the, uh, epic price tag on an Epic install and say “no  thanks.” But instead, you see hospital leader after hospital leader speaking glowingly about Epic and choosing it over competitors time and time again.