2014 Budget Request: Veterans Affairs
OMB proposes $3.7 billion for VA IT
Under President Obama's fiscal 2014 budget request, information technology systems at the Veterans Affairs Department would receive a total discretionary budget authority of $3.683 billion. That means the budget for IT systems would be 15.16 percent more than the current year amount under the continuing resolution when accounting for inflation. The IT systems portion of VA's budget funds system development and performance, operations and maintenance, information protection and customer support, according to the budget document.
Under the president's request, VA IT would receive $495 million for development activity, which represents a decrease of 11.14 percent compared to funding under the current CR, when accounting for inflation. This budget line supports improvement initiatives for VA's financial management systems as well as the development of the Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record and the VA-Defense Department Integrated Electronic Health Record, according to the budget document.
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