Why Electronic Medical Records Are Failing To Meet Expectations
Once celebrated as the next big thing in the healthcare world, electronic medical records (EMRs) have a long way to go in terms of physician satisfaction, according to survey data from AmericanEHR Partners released in March at HIMSS 2013.
The findings are based on 4,279 responses to multiple surveys between March 2010 and December 2012 about physician satisfaction with EMRs. Of physicians who participated, 70% are in practices of 10 or fewer doctors and the majority intend to participate in the Meaningful Use program. According to the study, physician disillusionment with EMR systems is growing rapidly:
20% of physicians are very dissatisfied with their EMR overall
The portion of physicians who are very dissatisfied with their EMR’s ability to improve patient care doubled from 10% in 2010 to 20% in 2012.
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