Attention Hardware Hackers: Win A Trip To Space With The Hackaday Prize

Ronald Barba | Tech Cocktail | April 29, 2014

If you’re not around the D.C. area and can’t make it to our Sessions event with SpaceX’s Steve Davis tomorrow, then I guess you’ll just have to settle for this space-related news: Get the chance to change the future of humanity and win a trip to space in the process.

“We launched the Hackaday Prize because we want to see the next evolution of hardware happen right now, and we want it to be open,” said Managing Editor of Mike Szczys in a press release.

Launched just yesterday by SupplyFrame, a company helping engineers design better hardware faster, the Hackaday Prize is a chance for hardware hackers to build a piece of open source hardware that has the potential to change the world. The focus on open source is an essential feature of the competition, as it’s through open design that solutions for the future are discovered.