How Mobile Became Mighty In Healthcare
Ten powerful trends emerging in mobile health for patients, professionals and providers
Without a doubt, 2014 will be declared the year mobile became mighty in healthcare. No matter where in the world you live, whether you are talking about patients, consumers, or healthcare providers, mobile is revolutionising the future of healthcare – so much so, that it's worth taking a closer look at 10 powerful trends emerging throughout the mobile health space. We'll also be showcasing our findings on mobile health user experience at the Mighty Mobile seminar at the inaugural Cannes Lions Health festival.
1 Increased mobile usage
Every day there are more mobile phones sold than babies born. In fact, mobile (vs TV, desktop computers, print, and radio) is the only medium that is currently growing. Google receives more search queries from mobile devices than ever before. A recent Millward Brown study reports that across 30 countries, people spend an average of 147 minutes a day using a smartphone. And 91% of adults have their mobile device within arm's reach 24/7. It should come as little surprise, then, that the collecting and sharing of health information through mobile phones is projected to grow exponentially...
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