A Crowd-Sourced Public Transportation Map for Managua
There is no map for the 42 bus lines in Metropolitan Managua, capital of Nicaragua, where 80% of the 2 million inhabitants that are dependent on buses to commute to work or school. But engaged citizens used Free Technology and the power of collaboration to create the first digital public transportation map. Now they seek support to print it.
The public transportation network has grown over the years in Managua, capital of one of the poorest countries on the American continent. Various attempts by the regulatory entity of the city's administration, private companies and even the city's largest newspaper have not succeeded in creating a proper map for the users of public transportation, who are the economically active population and visitors to the city.
People wanted to make a change that improves their lives directly. And from within the local tech scene a Nicaraguan chapter of the world-wide OpenStreetMap community was born . From that small group, the chapter has grown and now includes mapping enthusiasts, curious citizens, students, cartographers, professionals, and individuals from companies and non-profit organizations...
- Tags:
- collaboration
- crowd-funding initiative
- crowd-sourcing
- digital public transportation map
- Felix Delattre
- Free Technology
- Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
- informal transit systems
- Managua bus routes network
- Metropolitan Managua
- Nairobi
- Nicaragua
- Nicaraguan OpenStreetMap community
- Ninfus Design Studio
- open technology
- OpenStreetMap community
- public transportation network. TheDigital Matatus project
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