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Overview of Open Source and VistA in the UK's NHS
There is much widely publicised interest from NHS England in encouraging the development and implementation of open-source software in the National Health System (NHS) with the debate raging in a number of forums, notably on EHI where this article and the comments it has generated are vital reading for anyone interested in this issue. This debate has been fueled by the availability of NHS England’s £260 million Technology Fund which is actively soliciting open source projects include bids to implement an NHS VistA... Read More »
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Population Health Management Becoming a Priority for Providers, but Many Struggle With Stop-Gap Solutions and Lack of Infrastructure, Says Latest Black Book Survey
Black Book’s most recent report on the state of population health management (PHM) reveals that it is among the fastest-growing areas in the healthcare IT space and several effective end-to-end solutions emerging. Record PHM spending underscores its increasing importance with a reported $8B invested in digital health in sum in 2016, with the majority going to population health and patient experience tools. But even as PHM solutions are quickly becoming a priority for healthcare organizations, in Q1 2017, 81% of providers are tackling population health projects without a strategic technology purchase that meets all their needs...
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Precision Medicine: Analytics, Data Science and EHRs in the New Age
The promise of genomics and personalized care are closer than many realize. But clinical systems and EHRs are not ready yet. While policymakers and innovators play catch-up, here’s a look at what you need to know. Considering how fast technology advances in the healthcare industry, it seems natural that a once-innovative concept could become obsolete in the span of, say, a dozen years. Knowledge, comprehension and capabilities continue moving forward, and if the instruments of support don't keep pace, it can cause a rift to appear. If nothing is done, it can exacerbate into a seismic event...
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PwC Enters Competition For DoD EHR Modernization Contract
PricewaterhouseCooper is the latest organization to throw its hat into the ring to contend for the sizeable EHR contract offered by the Department of Defense (DoD). PwC US is joining forces with DSS, MedSphere, and General Dynamics Information Technology to put together a competitive bid...
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PwC Joins Crowded Field Going After U.S. Military EHR Contract
PricewaterhouseCoopers is the latest company to announce its intent to compete for a highly coveted contract to replace the Defense Department's electronic health-record system. The professional services firm said Friday that it plans to team up with EHR vendors DSS and MedSphere, and systems integrator General Dynamics Information Technology, to offer an EHR that would combine software from the Open Source Electronic Health Record Alliance with applications from PwC's commercial partners...
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Report: DoD Must Choose Open-Source EHR
To fix its health care system the military needs to acquire an open-source electronic health records system, adopt value-based care and give vets and active duty soldiers access to their medical records, according to a report issued Thursday by the Center for a New American Security. The high share of the Pentagon budget — about 10 percent — that goes to healthcare will damage national security unless it can be reduced, concludes the report by Gen. Hugh Shelton, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; Stephen Ondra, formerly of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, and Peter Levin, the Dept. of Veterans Affairs’ former chief information officer.
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Sansoro Health Record API Will Unite Them All
After some seven years of watching the US government push interoperability among health records, and hearing how far we are from achieving it, I assumed that fundamental divergences among electronic health records at different sites posed problems of staggering complexity. I pricked up my ears, therefore, when John Orosco, CTO of Sansoro Health, said that they could get EHRs to expose real-time web services in a few hours, or at most a couple days.
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Sorry VistA, DoD's health record won't be open source
The Defense Department's next electronic health record will not be based on the open source architecture that supports the Veterans Affairs Department's EHR. A change to the Defense Healthcare Management System Modernization solicitation narrowed down the field of contractors vying for the $11 billion program – eliminating the only proposed solution built on the Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture, or VistA.
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Stimulus dollars pour into health IT industry, driving growth
Epic Systems Corps., another company in the health IT industry, has also fared thanks to this deal. In fact, the CEO, Judy Faulkner, who happens to be a major donor to President Obama, was put on the seat to determine how best to spend the allotted $19 billion. The Washington Examiner writes: “Faulkner and her company oppose the president’s vision for health IT, but Epic employees are massive Democratic donors. They’ve given nearly $300,000 to Democrats since 2006, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.”
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Struggling Hospitals Hold Off On Population Health, Analytics
Eighty-four percent of financially insecure hospitals are putting off investments in population health management and clinical analytics infrastructure, says a new survey by Black Book Rankings, focusing instead on improving revenue cycle management (RCM) and trimming waste to reduce their financial vulnerabilities...
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Tech Firms Vie For $11 Billion Military Healthcare Contract As Deadline Looms
As the deadline for bids on a coveted Defense Department contract approaches, teams of technology giants — including IBM and Hewlett-Packard — are competing to modernize the military’s electronic health records...
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The Great EHR Switch
With more electronic health record systems continuing to fall short of providers' expectations, a recent report by Black Book Rankings suggests that 2013 may indeed be the "year of the great EHR vendor switch." Read More »
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The Pentagon Contract That Could Shape EHRs For Years To Come — Epic Pays Out To Win Friends And Influence Congress
GENTLEMEN (AND WOMEN) START YOUR (INTEROPERABLE) ENGINES: The Department of Defense’s $11 billion, 10-year contract for a new electronic health records system won’t just shape military health for the next decade, reports Ashley Gold, it could very well predict the future of electronic health records and their handling of interoperability. Read More »
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The Strengths and Weaknesses of the HL7 FHIR Messaging Standard
It has been several years since we reviewed the progress of the HL7 FHIR standards adoption rate. Health Level Seven's (HL7) Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) is an emerging standard that has rapidly captured the mind-share of the Health Information Technology (HIT) standards community. FHIR is a standard that enables healthcare data sharing between systems in a manner that is more easily implemented and more expressive than previous HL7 standards such as HL7 Version 2, 3 and Clinical Document Architecture (CDA). Regardless of the version of HL7 standard used, the purpose of these standards is to send clinical data in messages, whether to a party inside or outside your organization. HL7 devises flexible message formats so the receiver of the message can open it up, know who sent it and why, and break it down into understandable segments and data fields.
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These Graphs Show How Fast Hospitals Are Adopting Computers -- And How Far They Have To Go
On Monday, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation published its annual report on health information technology in the United States. [...] Read More »
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