Two remarkable articles -- one on placebos, one on informed consent -- caught my attention. To set them up, a famous, perhaps apocryphal, story: A scientist tried to explain the solar system to a lay audience. When he finished, a skeptical woman told him he was wrong: the earth was flat, and rested on the back of a giant turtle. The scientist asked her what the turtle rested on. "Another turtle," she replied confidently. He then asked what that turtle was on. The woman would have none of it. "You can ask all you want, sir, but it's turtles all the way down." Faith is a funny thing. Especially in health care. Let's start with placebos...
See the following -
Antidepressant Use Linked To Superbug Infections
...All medicines have both benefits and risks and antidepressants are no exception. According to a new study, people who take certain antidepressants are at increased risk for superbug infections...
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Dazed And Confused: Drugs In Drinking Water
Drugs in Drinking Water: There is an unhealthy cocktail of drugs in your drinking water. With each sip, you self-medicate with anti-anxiety and even psychotropic drugs. Read More »
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Fish Exposed to Wastewater Absorb Many Medications Meant for People
Evidence that fish are being contaminated by pharmaceuticals introduced into wastewater keeps building. That's clear as scientists look beyond drug levels in bodies of water and directly measure concentrations in the blood of fish that swim there, as one team undertook for a new study published July 26 in the journal Environmental Pollution. While experts say human health isn't at risk, unknowns remain, given the increases in pollution levels as the population grows...
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In Healthcare, It's Placebos [Almost] All the Way Down
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Many Antidepressant Studies Found Tainted by Pharma Company Influence
The latest study, published in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, which evaluated 185 meta-analyses, found that one third of them were written by pharma industry employees. “We knew that the industry would fund studies to promote its products, but it’s very different to fund meta-analyses,” which “have traditionally been a bulwark of evidence-based medicine,” says John Ioannidis, an epidemiologist at Stanford University School of Medicine and co-author of the study. “It’s really amazing that there is such a massive influx of influence in this field.”
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Young People Who Take High Doses Of Antidepressants Are Twice As Likely To Become Suicidal
Young adults taking high-dose antidepressants such as Prozac and Seroxat have double the risk of suicidal behaviour, warn researchers. A U.S. study of almost 162,000 found those aged 24 or younger were twice as likely to deliberately self-harm compared with youngsters taking standard doses of SSRI pills.
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