CMS Physician Compare data set

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Consolidation of US Physician Practices Continues to Surge

Nicola M. Parry | Medscape | September 7, 2016

The trend toward consolidation of physician practices in recent decades is accelerating, according to results of a new study published online September 7 in Health Affairs. "The proportion of physicians in groups of nine or fewer dropped from 40.1 percent in 2013 to 35.3 percent in 2015, while the proportion of those in groups of one hundred or more increased from 29.6 percent to 35.1 percent during the same time period," David B. Muhlestein, PhD, JD, and Nathan J. Smith, PhD, from Leavitt Partners, Salt Lake City, Utah, write. "Primary care physicians have made this change at a much faster pace than specialists have"...

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