Politico (Dan Diamond) had two great pieces last week -- one on how tax-exempt hospitals benefited from the Affordable Care Act (ACA) while cutting charity care, and the second on how the Cleveland Clinic has built an island of prosperity amidst an impoverished community. I'd like to say I'm surprised, but I'm not. I wrote about the supposed community benefits of "non-profit" hospitals two years ago, and Politico's analysis suggests things are getting worse. They looked at the top seven hospitals, as ranked by U.S. News & World Report, and found...
Community Health
See the following -
3 Metrics To Measure Your Open Source Community Health
Community building is table stakes in the success of any open source project. Even outside of open source, community is considered a competitive advantage for businesses in many industries—from retail, to gaming, to fitness. (For a deeper dive, see "When community becomes your competitive advantage" in the Harvard Business Review.) However, open source community building—especially offline activities—is notoriously hard to measure, track, and analyze. While we've all been to our fair share of meetups, conferences, and "summits" (and probably hosted a few of them ourselves), were they worth it? Did the community meaningfully grow? Was printing all those stickers and swags worth the money? Did we collect and track the right numbers to measure progress? To develop a better framework for measuring community, we can look to a different industry for guidance and fresh ideas: political campaigns.
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Big Business CEOs Issue Call To Action For Fixing US Healthcare
Chief executives of several major U.S. corporations came together under the auspice of the Bipartisan Policy Center to work toward the betterment of health and wellness of individual and communities, as well as the overall U.S. healthcare system itself...
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Big Data Saves Michigan $1 Million Each Business Day
Big Data is saving the state of Michigan $1 million each business day, while consolidating 40 data centers into three saved $19 million the first year. Read More »
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Healthcare: We Get What We Pay For
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How to Develop Community Health, Patient Outreach Efforts
The AHA has published a toolkit to help drive community health and improve patient outreach efforts in rural regions and vulnerable urban communities. As healthcare becomes increasingly value-based, hospitals are working to use their resources in the most efficient way possible to meet the needs of their individual communities. This means putting a larger focus on community health, which can help serve patients outside the four walls of the hospital. This will improve the health of the population at a lower healthcare cost...
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How We Track The Community Health Of Our Open Source Project
To be an effective leader in an open source community, you need a lot of information. How do I know who the most active members in my community are? Which companies are making the most contributions? Which contributors are drifting away and becoming inactive? Who in the community is knowledgeable about a specific topic? These were just a few of the questions I had when I started leading the Mautic community at Acquia. But the problem was not a shortage of information. On the contrary, there were so many places our community interacted and so many things to track that I was drowning in data. I could access plenty of data sources, but they were not helping me manage the community effectively or answering my questions.
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Let's Do Public Health Better
Eric Reinhart, who describes himself as “a political anthropologist, psychoanalyst, and physician,” has had a busy month. He started with an essay in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) about “reconstructive justice,” then an op-ed in The New York Times on how our health care system is demoralizing the physicians who work in it, and then the two that caught my attention: companion pieces in The Nation and Stat News about reforming our public health “system” from a physician-driven one to a true community health one. He's preaching to my choir. I wrote almost five years ago: “We need to stop viewing public health as a boring, not glamorous, small part of our healthcare system, but, rather, as the bedrock of it, and of our health.” Dr. Reinhart pulls no punches about our public health system(s), or the people who lead them...
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Open Source EHR Company Achieves 48 Percent Revenue Growth in 2016
Medsphere Systems Corporation, the leading provider of affordable and interoperable healthcare information technology (IT) solutions and services, is welcoming the new year with excitement and anticipation following a busy and historic 2016. Significant recent achievements include an expansion of company products and services as well as a record number of new clients and unprecedented revenue growth. The company’s ongoing efforts to make affordable healthcare IT more widely available have resulted in specific indicators from the previous calendar year of growth and success...
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Puerto Rico’s Health-Care Crisis Threatens the Mainland
Just a few years ago, New York had a health-care crisis on its hands. The state was spending $50 billion a year on Medicaid in 2011 -- more than any other state in the country. Health-care officials in New York worked together to bring down spending, and last year the state introduced an $8 billion plan to repurpose its whole program, with a focus on outpatient care and community health. But now the state is facing another threat to its health-care system: Puerto Rico. America’s biggest territory continues to find itself in serious financial trouble, with a current debt of $72 billion, which the territory’s governor has declared "not payable"...
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University Of Minnesota Study Finds Iraq, Afghan Vets Struggle With Access To Food
Veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are far more likely to have trouble getting enough food to eat than the average U.S. citizen. More than one-fourth of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans don’t have consistent access to sufficient food, says a new study by the University of Minnesota and the Minneapolis Veterans Affairs hospital...
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Why Suicide Prevention Is Part of Population Health Strategy
As hospitals and health systems recognize the need to devote more time and attention to population health management and improving community health, more effort correspondingly must be focused on behavioral health services. In response, the American Hospital Association has launched an initiative to assist hospitals with behavioral health...
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Global mHealth Forum
The second annual Global mHealth Forum (GmHF) will take place on Tuesday, November 10th & Wednesday, November 11th, 2015 at the mHealth Summit in Washington, DC. This year, there is one registration for the Summit and the Forum, and there are special prices for government, students, and those from developing countries. Special pricing is available for those who register early. The agenda for the Global mHealth Forum will several presentations as well as four interactive sessions. The categories for presentations are as follows...
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Call for Code Hackathon - California Wildfires
Calling all Developers, Designers, and Domain Experts! In recognition of Wildfire Community Preparedness Day on May 4, 2019, IBM and 42 Silicon Valley are teaming up to host a one-day hackathon to help developers, engineers, designers, and emergency responders work on projects around Natural Disaster Preparedness and Relief during wildfires with a focus on community health and well-being. The hackathon will be held on the 42 Silicon Valley campus in Fremont, California.
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