community healthcare organization

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Pontiac General Hospital in Detroit Selects OpenVista Healthcare IT Platform

Press Release | Medsphere, Pontiac General Hospital | May 31, 2016

Medsphere Systems announced that Pontiac General Hospital has selected the OpenVista® electronic health record (EHR) system for implementation. Looking toward a financial rebirth, the new owners of the 306 licensed-bed hospital will use OpenVista to improve management practices and clinical workflows as they also grow clinical staff and expand available services. The rebirth of Pontiac General is an endeavor led by Sanyam Sharma with the support of his family, Dr. Sanjay and Priyam Sharma. While Sanyam formed Sant Partners, LLC, last summer in preparation for entering the healthcare provider turnaround space, Pontiac General is only the Sharmas’ most recent healthcare revitalization project.