Cory Doctorow
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NPR Reports On Open Source 3D Printing
I first encountered 3-D printing in Cory Doctorow's Makers, a science fiction novel set in the wake of economic armageddon. In Doctorow's imagined near-future world, hulking industrial bulwarks are doomed. Malls are deserted. But garages are alight with innovative activity, as heroic, entrepreneurial inventor-doers concoct new gizmos by repurposing abandoned commodities. Read More »
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Cory Doctorow 'There Is A War Coming: The Future Regulation Of General Purpose Computation'
Organised by The Centre for Law, Society and Popular Culture.
Cory Doctorow ( is a science fiction author, activist, journalist and blogger — the co-editor of Boing Boing ( and the author of Tor Teens/HarperCollins UK novels like FOR THE WIN and the bestselling LITTLE BROTHER. Read More »
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Cory Doctorow And EFF Aim To “Eradicate DRM In Our lifetime”
...The Electronic Frontier Foundation announced Tuesday that Boing Boing's Cory Doctorow has been commissioned to tackle digital rights management technologies (DRM) that the rights group says threatens security, privacy, and undermines public rights and innovation...
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Cory Doctorow on Influencing the Future Instead of Predicting It
Cory Doctorow is good with words. He just prefers stringing them into sentences, not subroutines. "I was a software developer," he says. "I'm much better at writing science fiction novels. Like, seriously."..."There's a certain efficiency to writing code," Doctorow says. "It can be a very powerful intervention. Look at the tiny number of people who hack on Tor, and the massive impact they've had around the world. That's the upside of code." But writing code just isn't for him. One of today's most active, vocal, and recognized champions of digital rights, eschewing a programming career is rather striking. After all, if what Lawrence Lessig says is true—if, in the 21st Century, code is the fulcrum of power—then becoming a coder would seem tantamount to Doctorow's interests, what he calls the intersection of "technology and liberation"...
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Cory Doctorow on the Real-World Dangers of Digital Rights Management
Cory Doctorow gave a fast-paced keynote at OSCON 2016 this year that served as a warning message against DRM (digital rights management): Open, closed, and demon haunted: An Internet of Things that act like inkjet printers. Cory's example of what DRM and copyright can look like in the physical world: Let's say you're building a conference center and your engineer says that he's going to make sure the ceiling won't fall down on your attendees, but he's not going to share the math he's using to do those calculates because it's proprietary. Would you want to enter that conference center? I wouldn't...
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Germany-Wide Consortium of Research Libraries Announce Boycott of Elsevier Journals Over Open Access
Germany's DEAL project, which includes over 60 major research institutions, has announced that all of its members are canceling their subscriptions to all of Elsevier's academic and scientific journals, effective January 1, 2017. The boycott is in response to Elsevier's refusal to adopt "transparent business models" to "make publications more openly accessible". Elsevier is notorious even among academic publishers for its hostility to open access, but it also publishes some of the most prestigious journals in many fields. This creates a vicious cycle, where the best publicly funded research is published in Elsevier journals, which then claims ownership over the research...
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New Research Estimates Value of Removing DRM Locks
My co-authors and I at the University of Glasgow are investigating how restrictions on interoperability imposed by Digital Rights Management (DRM) systems might impact the market for goods. We are doing this as part of a larger project to better understand the economics of DRM and to figure out what changes would likely occur if the laws were reformed. Our recent working paper is titled ‘How much do consumers value interoperability: Evidence from the price of DVD players’...
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See The Inspiring Story Of Aaron Swartz On Vimeo On Demand
Today marks the premiere of a Vimeo On Demand title that we’re supremely excited to share. Brian Knappenberger (We Are Legion) directs the story of Aaron Swartz, a technological wunderkind whose suicide in January 2013 rocked the Internet community and prompted a tremendous outpouring of sadness for a person who became known as “The Internet’s Own Boy.”...
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Should U.S. Hackers Fix Cybersecurity Holes Or Exploit Them?
Maybe someday we'll patch vulnerabilities faster than the enemy can use them in an attack, but we're not there yet. There’s a debate going on about whether the U.S. government—specifically, the NSA and United States Cyber Command—should stockpile Internet vulnerabilities or disclose and fix them...
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The Internet’s Own Boy Review: Remembering—And Honoring—Aaron Swartz
Documentary overcomes bias to tell reddit co-founder's tragic, remarkable story...
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‘The Internet’s Own Boy’: Brian Knappenberger Chronicles Tragedy Of Web Activist Aaron Swartz
When Aaron Swartz committed suicide on January 11, 2013, he was facing a possible 35-year prison sentence and a million-dollar fine. Federal prosecutors had targeted him for using an MIT computer network to download 4.7 million documents from the JSTOR database...
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ContainerCon North America
Linux has been at the center of this with advancements in nearly every aspect of virtualization with Linux containers being the most recent disruptive technology. The Linux Foundation is launching a new conference called ContainerCon to bring together leading contributors in Linux containers, the Linux kernel, and related projects to forge a path to continued innovation and education. Linux containers are disrupting traditional application development and virtualization models; enabling businesses to explore new, improved methods of deploying their services and products...
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LinuxCon North America
LinuxCon is the place to learn from the best and the brightest, delivering content from the leading maintainers, developers and project leads in the Linux community and from around the world. There's simply no other event in North America where developers, sys admins, architects and all types and levels of technical talent gather together under one roof for education, collaboration and problem-solving to further the Linux platform...
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