Digital Ocean

See the following -

Is Use of the Open Source GPL License Declining?

A little while ago I saw an interesting tweet from Stephen O'Grady at RedMonk on the state of open source licensing, including this graph. This graph shows how license usage has changed from 2010 to 2017. In reading it, it is clear that usage of the GPL 2.0 license, one of the purest copyleft licenses around, has more than halved in usage. According to the chart it would appear that the popularity of open source licensing has subsequently shifted to the MIT and Apache licenses. There has also been a small increase in GPL 3.0 usage. So, what does all this mean?

What Does it Mean to Have an Open Mindset?

Successful companies are those that grow and expand. But bigger companies often need more managers. Excessive layers of management can instill cumbersome bureaucracy in a company, and bureaucracy can become a significant problem for companies when it can causes wasteful resource allocation, decreases productivity, and decelerates innovation. We can observe that open thinking can challenge or overcome potential problems of bureaucracy. Even if your company isn't a software company, it's still possible to adopt the mindset prevalent in free and open source software communities and instill openness within your company's culture...

ContainerCon North America

Event Details
August 22, 2016 - 9:30am - August 24, 2016 - 11:30pm
Westin Harbour Castle
1 Harbour Square
Toronto, ON M5J 1A6

Linux has been at the center of this with advancements in nearly every aspect of virtualization with Linux containers being the most recent disruptive technology. The Linux Foundation is launching a new conference called ContainerCon to bring together leading contributors in Linux containers, the Linux kernel, and related projects to forge a path to continued innovation and education. Linux containers are disrupting traditional application development and virtualization models; enabling businesses to explore new, improved methods of deploying their services and products...

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LinuxCon North America

Event Details
August 22, 2016 - 9:30am - August 24, 2016 - 11:30pm
Westin Harbour Castle
1 Harbour Square
Toronto, ON M5J 1A6

LinuxCon is the place to learn from the best and the brightest, delivering content from the leading maintainers, developers and project leads in the Linux community and from around the world. There's simply no other event in North America where developers, sys admins, architects and all types and levels of technical talent gather together under one roof for education, collaboration and problem-solving to further the Linux platform...

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