Enterprise Health Management Platform (eHMP)
See the following -
A New Meaning for Connected Health at 2016 Symposium (Part 3)
The previous section of this article paused during a discussion of the accuracy and uses of devices. At a panel on patient generated data, a speaker said that one factor holding back the use of patient data was the lack of sophistication in EHRs. They must be enhanced to preserve the provenance of data: whether it came from a device or from a manual record by the patient, and whether the device was consumer-grade or a well-tested medical device. Doctors invest different levels of trust in different methods of collecting data: devices can provide more objective information than other ways of asking patients for data. A participant in the panel also pointed out that devices are more reliable in the lab than under real-world conditions. Consumers must be educated about the proper use of devices, such as whether to sit down and how to hold their arms when taking their blood pressure...
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Lawmakers Dispute DoD, VA’s Claims of Health Record Interoperability
Three months ago, the departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs certified to Congress that their electronic health records could finally exchange data in a meaningful way. But lawmakers aren’t satisfied with that assertion and are looking for more clarity on what “interoperability” actually means. With some fanfare, the two departments both attested that they’d met a 2014 congressional mandate to make all of their respective health data interoperable with one another’s IT systems...
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On Capitol Hill, Concerns Remain About DOD-VA Interoperability
Senate appropriators grilled top Veterans Affairs officials about whether the military and VA electronic health records systems are cooperating. VA CIO LaVerne Council, VistA Evolution Program Executive David Waltman and Veterans Health Administration Deputy Chief Medical Information Officer For Strategy and Design Jonathan Nebeker testified at a July 13 hearing before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee for Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies. DOD's director of the DoD/VA Interagency Program Office, Lauren Thompson, and Government Accountability Office Director for Information Management and Technology Resources Issues Valerie Melvin were also at the witness table...
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OSEHRA 2015: Preliminary Agenda Open Source Summit Released
The 2015 Open Source Summit: Community-Powered Healthcare IT Solutions is shaping up to be another exciting event that will showcase the remarkable achievements of our growing community! The Summit offers a unique perspective on healthcare IT innovation in the U.S. and global markets, as well as an opportunity to network with the individuals and companies who are making it happen...Further, the OSEHRA community is expanding beyond its VistA-centric origins. This year, in collaboration with Open Health News, a diverse panel of open source community leaders has been formed to exchange ideas, expertise, and business opportunities. Read More »
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OSEHRA 2015: Summit Sponsors for Open Source Summit Announced
The Open Source Electronic Health Record Alliance (OSEHRA) is excited to announce the confirmed sponsors for the 2015 Open Source Summit: Community-Powered Healthcare IT Solutions to be held July 29-31 at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center in Bethesda, Maryland. Sponsors for the 4th Annual Summit include...
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OSEHRA 2016 Summit to Address Global Open Health IT Issues as well as the Future of VistA, eHMP and the VA's Veteran's Centric Strategy
The 2016 OSEHRA Summit to be held June 27-29 is sixty days away, and we are very excited about the way it has come together...We will open the Summit on Monday afternoon with the Global Open Health Informatics Workshop. There we will hear about the progress of many programs, including those in India, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, Slovenia and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. This workshop will also address technical issues supporting the global deployment of open source EHRs.
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OSEHRA Announces 2017 Open Source Summit
The Open Source Electronic Health Record Alliance (OSEHRA) is pleased to announce that registration for its 2017 Open Source Summit: Succeeding with the New Federal Open Source Policy, to be held June 13-15 at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center, is now available. DSS, Inc., a leading health IT corporation and active participant in the OSEHRA community, will be returning as Conference Sponsor. “Our Summit continues to be a unique community forum for open source activities, and a great example of public-private partnership,” said Seong K. Mun, President of OSEHRA.
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OSEHRA Community Responds to the VA's RFI for eHMP Agile Development Contract Strategy
In recent days, OSEHRA Community Members have enthusiastically collaborated to develop a response to VA’s Request for Information (RFI) for a contract strategy that is suitable for agile development of Enterprise Health Management Platform (eHMP). I would like to thank more than 50 members who contributed in developing the final document that OSEHRA submitted today on behalf of the community. Many members participated in community discussions, shared documents, and provided great ideas. We hope that our response accurately presents the depth and breath of expertise and commitment to excellence that has been shown by the OSEHRA Community.
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OSEHRA Proposes Visionary Open Digital Health Platform for the VA
The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) recently released a Request for Information (RFI) calling for advice on how to build an open, "interoperable digital health platform." The RFI received 40 responses. Only one of those was publicly released, the one from OSEHRA. That the open source EHR organization was the only one that has been open in their submissions, by itself, tells a story. There are some in the VA proposing replacing the open source VistA EHR with a "Commercial" lock-in product. Proprietary EHR vendors are circling the VA like sharks smelling blood in the water, and they don't want the public to know what they are up to...The OSEHRA response below. Note that several dozen OSEHRA member companies and associates participated in drafting this response.
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Team Demonstrates Digital Health Platform for Department of Veterans Affairs
“Liberate the data.” That was a principal design goal for a team of public-private health care technology collaborators established by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and Veterans Health Administration to develop a working and scalable proof-of-concept digital health platform (DHP) to support the department’s long-term vision. The open-source project demonstrated both proven and emerging technologies for interoperability and advanced functionality innovations from both the public and private sectors...
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VA Edges Closer to Rollout of New Health Record Platform
The Department of Veterans Affairs is edging closer to full deployment of a web-based modular electronic health record platform that promises to build on improvements in interoperability within VA and between VA and the Defense Department. Officials hope to have the Enterprise Health Management Platform up and running by the end of this summer. EHMP is a dynamic, web-based way to organize, display, search, filter and share patient data from VA's open-source VistA health record. EHMP provides a virtual space to develop and deploy specialized health and wellness applications for use by VA providers...
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VistA is Going Places, and Also Staying Put
The Veterans Health Administration's hospital software, VistA, is a computing legend. Few pieces of software have become the subject of a popular book (Best Care Anywhere), won repeated awards for their usability, or been credited with a 180-degree turn-around in an organization's quality. But VistA is getting long in the tooth, and many--including now the VA itself--are questioning whether it's time for something new.The speculations aren't just about VistA. They extend to all health care software of that generation, including the industry's leading electroinc health record (EHR) system--Epic--and the venerable Intermountain Healthcare.
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33rd VistA Community Meeting
The VistA community will be gathering at George Mason University (GMU) for the 33 VistA Community Meeting (VCM). Major topics of discussion at this conference will be the advances made by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in incorporating open source contributions to VistA and well as collaborating with the VistA community. Representatives from the Kingdom of Jordan will provide details of their national VistA deployment. There will also be presentations on new capabilities for VistA, the enterprise Health Management Platform (eHMP), a new release of DSS Inc's vxVistA, and improvements to several toolsets including EWD, VistA js, and RxNorm.
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12th DoD/VA and Gov Health IT Summit
Held since 2011, DSI’s Health IT Summits are a unique forum that allows for personnel from DoD, VA, Federal and State agencies to convene in one location along with leaders from Industry and Academia that support them. As the healthcare industry continues to evolve to better suit the needs of the patient, the role of information technology will continue to be an integral part in the efforts to link innovative IT solutions with advanced lines of communication to achieve a patient centered health system that focuses on enhancing delivery of healthcare. Although delivering military health care in an efficient and cost-effective manner is important, the goal is to first and foremost build a health care system focusing on improving the overall the health of the patient. In the efforts to support this health care system, tremendous strides have been made from multiple organizations ranging from the DoD, VA, Government Agencies, Private Industry, and Academia.
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OSEHRA 2017 Open Source Summit
The Open Source Electronic Health Record Alliance (OSEHRA) is pleased to announce that registration for its 2017 Open Source Summit: Succeeding with the New Federal Open Source Policy, to be held June 13-15 at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center, is now available. DSS, Inc., a leading health IT corporation and active participant in the OSEHRA community, will be returning as Conference Sponsor.“Our Summit continues to be a unique community forum for open source activities, and a great example of public-private partnership,” said Seong K. Mun, President of OSEHRA.
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