I’ve been writing fewer posts recently because the trajectory forward for healthcare and healthcare IT seems to be evolving very rapidly. In just the past week, we’ve had: the American Hospital Association letter suggesting that 21,000 pages of regulations be rolled back including Meaningful Use Stage Three concepts and quality measurement in many care settings, the passage of the 21st Century Cures bill and its many IT related mandates, and the nomination of Tom Price for HHS Secretary and Seema Verma for CMS administrator...
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EHRs Can’t Keep Up with Healthcare Analytics Abilities, Needs
The electronic health record simply isn’t evolving quickly enough to keep up with rapid innovations in healthcare big data analytics and the increasingly complex needs of end-users, says an editorial published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) this week. The opinion piece, authored by a trio of physicians and researchers from Stanford University, points out that existing clinical decision support features often border on the useless due to an overwhelming number of low-priority alarms and alerts, inadequate data visualizations, and an inability to capture socioeconomic and behavioral data within the clinical workflow...
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Electronic Health Records: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly
With passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Healthcare Act, electronic health records have been widely adopted across healthcare organizations large and small. While there are many benefits to EHRs — improved accessibility to patient data, increased charge capture and improved preventative health — there are inherent problems in adopting this technology. Read More »
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Knowledge-Sharing Platforms Emerge From Life Science Research Collaboration
One of the hottest topics at life science conferences these days is collaboration. For budgetary reasons, pharmaceutical companies that 10 or 15 years ago would have handled every aspect of research and development in-house have externalized those services to academic partners and outsourced service providers. Read More »
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'Not One Successful EHR System In Whole World'
While federal health IT officials were touting the perceived successes of their efforts to increase physician usage of electronic health records (EHRs), one longtime advocate of EHRs was criticizing the whole direction of health IT policy.
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10 Health Information Exchange Trends In Hospitals And Physicians Offices
The ONC recently released a report on the “National Health Information Exchange and Interopability Landscape” highlighting health information exchange trends from office based physicians and hospitals, individuals and state HIE program grantees. The report found growth in exchange capability and activity, but also show there is still substantial room for improvement...
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10 Steps to Achieving Interoperability
When nine organizations -- several of them health IT vendors -- urged Congress in a Dec. 7 letter to resist delaying Stage 3 of the Meaningful Use EHR Incentive Program, the plea came with an outline for strengthening interoperability. "What is clear to us is that current requirements and pace of the Meaningful Use program have taken away time and valuable resources from fixing our nation's interoperability problem, the organizations -- Apervita, athenahealth, Intel, National Alliance on Mental Illness, New Directions Technology Consulting, Oracle, United Spinal Association and Verizon -- wrote in their letter to Congressional leadership...
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15 Blockchain Whitepapers Awarded Winners of US Department of Health and Human Services Challenge
A challenge held by the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to encourage Blockchain use in the Health Information Technology field resulted in 15 winning whitepapers. The Department’s Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) first announced the “Use of Blockchain in Health IT and Health-Related Research” challenge in July...
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16% of Healthcare Stakeholders Plan to Use Blockchain by 2017
Blockchain may have entered the healthcare lexicon in 2016 as a somewhat fuzzy concept, but the innovative method of securing and validating data transactions is poised to take the industry by storm over the next twelve months, according to an international survey conducted by IBM. Sixteen percent of the 200 healthcare executives participating in the poll have concrete plans to implement a commercial blockchain solution within their organizations in 2017, while an additional 56 percent are likely to follow by the end of the decade...
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2013 Most Wired
H&HN's 15th annual survey shows U.S. hospitals have made big strides in laying the foundation for robust clinical information systems. The next step: harnessing IT for the real work of improving care delivery. Read More »
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2015: End Of The Road For Meaningful Use?
You can lead doctors to EHR systems — but you can't make them attest. A poll of nearly 2,000 physicians, in fact, reveals that 55 percent do not plan to attest for meaningful use Stage 2 in 2015...
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21st Century Cures and the Road Ahead
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28th VistA Community Meeting: VistA Community Coming Together
Years of efforts dedicated to unifying the VistA community as well as VistA code development effort bore fruit during the 28th VistA Community Meeting (VCM) on January 17-19 in Sacramento, CA. This year's conference became a transition to a closer collaboration between the VistA community, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and the non-profit OSEHRA organization. In effect, the conference was more of a workshop where the participants briefed each other on the latest technical developments as well as strategic efforts to increase collaboration.
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3 Cloud Sweet Spots In Healthcare
A recent MarketsandMarkets report forecasts cloud computing in healthcare to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 20.5 percent from 2012 to 2017. Although cloud computing offers significant advantages to healthcare organizations and other stakeholders, security of patient information, interoperability and compliance with government regulations are some of the factors that are slowing down the market, according to the report. Read More »
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3 Global Health IT Takeaways You Need to Know - Reflections from ONC 3rd Interoperability Forum
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) engages in several global health IT projects from a United States government perspective. ONC works with global counterparts to share experiences, and ensure alignment between global interoperability efforts and the United States' approaches to interoperability. This includes working through worldwide partnerships, bi-lateral and multi-lateral engagements, global networks, and memoranda of understanding. Through these engagements, we focus on advancing common health data standards for global interoperability, enhancing individuals' access to their data, progressing healthcare providers' experiences, and improving factors associated with transparency and competition.
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3 Implications of 3M’s Open Source Health Data Dictionary
Last month, 3M Health Information Systems released their Health Data Dictionary as open source software making it free and available worldwide. The open source contract is part of an agreement with U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
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