I recently participated in a nationwide (not the United States) healthcare IT planning effort and one recommendation was universal availability of patient portals. Several reviewers commented that patient portal is a loaded term - it implies that clinicians control the data and patients are given a view into it. One person said, “that’s so 10 years ago.” BIDMC has been working with patient/family shared medical records, Open Notes and various consumer-facing apps since 1999. Over that time we've discovered that patients typically do not want raw data, they want something actionable - the tools necessary to assist their navigation through the healthcare process...
Meaningful Use Stage 2
See the following -
An Unfunded EHR Mandate for Behavioral Health: All Stick, No Carrot
Why politics, parity and performance requirements mean behavioral health hospitals should adopt now Read More »
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Calling for Semantic Interoperability Standards That Enable Clinical Data Discovery
There are many promising initiatives underway that seek to combine rich clinical data from electronic health record systems running in provider sites across the county into large patient cohorts and then combine that data with genetic sequences created from samples provided by each patient in the cohort. The sponsors of these initiatives span industry, private foundations and the federal government. While the ambitious goals are commendable and the potential for discovery is worthy of the effort, there are data quality and semantic interoperability requirements that must be met prior to the combining of the clinical data...
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Halamka Summarizes the CMS Meaningful Use Final Rule
I’ve been asked to summarize the 752 page CMS Meaningful Use Final Rule...Between the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and the publication of the CMS Final Rule, the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) passed to include sunsetting the Meaningful Use payment adjustment for professionals at the end of 2018. Also, MACRA requires the establishment of a Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) which would incorporate Meaningful Use. The comment period will be used in an attempt to align the Meaningful Use program and the MIPS program...Stage 3 is more controversial and I will focus on that.
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How I Ended Up Working in Open Source Healthcare
These days I am one of a small handful of core committers to OpenEMR, but more importantly I am the visible face of the project through my role as the current president of the OEMR.org 501(c)(3), standing on the contributions of a respectable, worldwide, community of active users, contributing developers, and vendors. We have done some seemingly impossible things, like get the OpenEMR project through the ONC's "Meaningful Use" Certification, without which it would have all but died out in the United States. Now, with the project 14 years old and about to be recertified under Meaningful Use Stage 2, it's time to reimagine and reengineer the core without losing the goodness we have and the good will of the community...
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Military & Government Electronic Health Records Symposium
Technology Training Corporation http://www.ttcus.com announced the “Military and Government Electronic Health Records” to take place in Arlington, VA, November 16-17, 2015. As part of the Omnibus Appropriations Bill, the Federal Government has set goals for the DoD and the VA around the former’s Electronic Health Record selection process and its work with the latter to achieve interagency interoperability with the VistA EHR.
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OpenEMR Launches Easy Install Option for Amazon's Cloud Services
OpenEMR, the most popular open source electronic health records (EHR) and medical practice management solution, upgraded their cloud-services capability with the latest release. OpenEMR can now be operated as an out of the box cloud-services solution using Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform. With several simple steps, end users can get their OpenEMR on the cloud and take advantage of all the benefits that the cloud provides.
The Argonaut Project Charter
Yesterday, a group of private sector stakeholders including athenahealth, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Cerner, Epic, Intermountain Health, Mayo Clinic, McKesson, MEDITECH, Partners Healthcare System, SMART at Boston Children’s Hospital Informatics Program, and The Advisory Board Company met with HL7 and FHIR leadership to accelerate query/response interoperability under the auspices of ANSI-certified HL7 standards development organization processes.
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What is Patient and Family Engagement?
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Why Apple HealthKit in iOS 10 Makes View/Download/Transmit Real
Meaningful Use Stage 2 has a requirement that I’ve always considered to be the “cart before the horse” - patients must be able to View/Download/Transmit their data. Viewing is great - we’ve done that at BIDMC since 1999 for all patients and all data. Download makes little sense since at the moment there is nothing a patient can do with a download. Of the 2 million patients at BIDMC, not one has ever requested a download. Transmit makes even less sense since there is no place to transmit the data to...
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Military Electronic Health Records 2015 Symposium
The “Military and Government Electronic Health Records” symposium will take place in Arlington, VA, November 16-17, 2015. This Unique Symposium will Provide Attendees Critical and Timely Information on the Latest Advancements in Government & Military EHR Interoperability, Analytics, Mobility & Patient Privacy Technologies that Every Healthcare Professional Must Know.Many Crucial issues still remain within the Military Healthcare IT Ecosystem Infrastructure which includes:
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