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A Pledge That Promises To Keep Seeds Free For All To Use
...Inspired by the concept of open source software, a group of plant scientists and food activists, led by the University of Wisconsin, have launched the Open Source Seed Initiative – a campaign to protect the right of farmers, plant breeders and gardeners to share seeds freely...
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Agricultural Policies in Africa Could Be Harming the Poorest
Published this month in the journal World Development, the study finds that so-called ‘green revolution’ policies in Rwanda - claimed by the government, international donors and organisations such as the International Monetary Fund to be successful for the economy and in alleviating poverty - may be having very negative impacts on the poorest. One of the major strategies to reduce poverty in sub-Saharan Africa is through policies to increase and modernise agricultural production...
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Analysis: Super Weeds Pose Growing Threat to U.S. Crops
An estimated 11 million acres are infested with "super weeds"...The problem's gradual emergence has masked its growing menace. Now, however, it is becoming too big to ignore. The super weeds boost costs and cut crop yields for U.S. farmers starting their fall harvest this month. And their use of more herbicides to fight the weeds is sparking environmental concerns. Read More »
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Antibiotic Resistance: How Industrial Agriculture Lies With Statistics
...The website of the Alliance, a coalition of corporations and trade associations that make up a who's who of industrial agriculture, says the organization wants "to engage in dialogue with consumers who have questions about how today's food is grown and raised." It appears, however, that the organization is more concerned with countering increasing awareness of the public health and environmental harms associated with industrialized agriculture...
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Behind The Mask Of Altruism: Imperialism, Monsanto And The Gates Foundation In Africa
Since 2006, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has funded the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) to the tune of almost $420 million. Activists from Zimbabwe, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda, and Ethiopia recently attended the US-Africa Food Sovereignty Strategy Summit in Seattle to argue that the Foundation’s strategy for agriculture in Africa is a flawed attempt to impose industrial agriculture at the expense of more ecologically sound approaches...
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Brazil Farmers Say GMO Corn No Longer Resistant To Bugs
Farm lobby group calls on Monsanto and other biotech companies to reimburse for additional pesticide treatments Read More »
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Feeding The Hungry, Or The Greedy?
As Uganda prepares to legalise GMO, supporters say it will save a farming industry gripped by epidemic blights, and help alleviate hunger and malnutrition. Opponents believe it is a neo-colonial conspiracy that connects the White House to billion-dollar multinational corporate greed.
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Follow The Honey: 7 Ways Pesticide Companies Are Spinning The Bee Crisis
If you like to eat, then you should care about what’s happening to bees. Two-thirds of our food crops require pollination–the very foods that we rely on for healthy eating–such as apples, berries, and almonds, just to name a few. That’s why the serious decline in bee populations is getting more attention, with entire campaigns devoted to saving them. Read More »
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Gates Foundation Spends Bulk Of Agriculture Grants In Rich Countries
Most of the $3bn (£1.8bn) that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has given to benefit hungry people in the world’s poorest countries has been spent in the US, Britain and other rich countries, with only around 10% spent in Africa, new research suggests...
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GMO Soy Produces Altered Milk and Stunted Kids
Mother goats fed on 'Roundup-ready' GMO soy produce milk that's much lower in fat, protein and antibodies than non-GMO controls, writes Jonathan Latham, and contains traces of GE DNA. The milk also stunts their kids' growth. Publishing in the journal of Small Ruminant Research, the researchers were testing the results of supplementing the feed of female goats with Roundup Ready GE soybeans.
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GMO-Free Food Sales Explode Amid Public Awareness
Americans are speaking with their wallets like never before in order to voice our true collective opinion of how corporations and Big Food are working with our food. One critical example of how we are demanding change can be seen where the sale of non-GMO Project Verified foods have more than doubled since 2013...
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Government Open Data Proves A Treasure Trove For Savvy Businesses
Hoping to capitalize on free government information, IT leaders are discovering the value -- and vexation -- of converting terabytes of data into new revenue streams. When President Barack Obama signed the Open Data Executive Order last May, many IT leaders applauded the White House's decision to release treasure troves of public data as part of an important government initiative for greater transparency.
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HIMSS16: Cloudera Demos Open Source Precision Medicine and Healthcare Enterprise Data Hub
As the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) 2016 theme implies -- “transforming health through IT” -- healthcare organizations are increasingly focused on taking advantage of big data to personalize the patient experience and improve clinical outcomes. Cloudera’s commitment to this effort was exemplified this morning, when the company annunced its contributions to President Obama’s Precision Medicine Initiative (PMI). By implementing Cloudera Enterprise, healthcare organizations are better equipped to deliver precision medicine with a modern data platform that facilitates information sharing across silos while remaining HIPAA-compliant...
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How "Open Source" Seed Producers from the U.S. to India Are Changing Global Food Production
Frank Morton has been breeding lettuce since the 1980s. His company offers 114 varieties, among them Outredgeous, which last year became the first plant that NASA astronauts grew and ate in space. For nearly 20 years, Morton’s work was limited only by his imagination and by how many different kinds of lettuce he could get his hands on. But in the early 2000s, he started noticing more and more lettuces were patented, meaning he would not be able to use them for breeding...
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How Monsanto’s GMO Creations Caused 291,000 Suicides In India
It is no secret that Monsanto is making life difficult for countless farmers in America with its parented seeds...But did you know that Monsanto is also leading hundreds of thousands of farmers to suicide?...
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