National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST)

See the following -

Mostashari Assures Patient Safety Plan Sooner than 12 Months

Mary Mosquera | Government Health IT | November 9, 2011

Dr. Farzad Mostashari, the national health IT coordinator, said that agencies in the Health and Human Services Department will work closely to craft a surveillance and action plan to keep patients safer through health IT, and it will be done sooner than called for by the Institute of Medicine. Read More »

NIST Releases Cloud Computing Roadmap

Joseph Marks | NextGov | November 2, 2011

The government should establish common cloud computing products and services standards so agencies can easily shift their business to a new provider if their current vendor isn't meeting their needs, a government technology reviewer said Tuesday. Read More »

ONC Plans Stronger EHR, Patient Safety Features

Mary Mosquera | Government Health IT | December 26, 2012

The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT wants to use electronic health record certification criteria to make it easier for physicians to report patient safety events, which provide critical raw data for developers, healthcare providers, researchers and policymakers to improve the safety of health IT and make care safer. Read More »