online surveillance

See the following -

Congress' Plan To Stop Exporting Technology To Repressive Regimes

Brian Fung | Nextgov | February 7, 2013

When a U.S. company wants to export military technology, it has to go through a rigorous approval process in Washington. That’s because, of course, if it ends up in the wrong hands, the technology could interfere with U.S. foreign policy, destabilize conflict-prone regions, or worse... Read More »

The Digital Panopticon

Josh Sager | The Progressive Cynic | June 25, 2013

If the American people sit back and let a digital panopticon be constructed by our government, we will have a nearly impossible time destroying it. The fear which can be created through the threats of constant surveillance and draconian persecution by a government (ex. using the Espionage Act to put leakers away for life) is a powerful mechanism of control that can paralyze an entire population. Read More »