OSEHRA Community
See the following -
OSEHRA 2016 Summit to Address Global Open Health IT Issues as well as the Future of VistA, eHMP and the VA's Veteran's Centric Strategy
The 2016 OSEHRA Summit to be held June 27-29 is sixty days away, and we are very excited about the way it has come together...We will open the Summit on Monday afternoon with the Global Open Health Informatics Workshop. There we will hear about the progress of many programs, including those in India, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, Slovenia and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. This workshop will also address technical issues supporting the global deployment of open source EHRs.
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OSEHRA Community Responds to the Federal Government's Proposed Open Source Policy
The OSEHRA community today submitted a response to the "Draft Open Source Policy for Federal Agencies" released by the White House on March 10. The policy was open for comments through today. This is a major milestone for the OSEHRA community as well as the open source community as a whole. Currently the US Government spends nearly a hundred billion dollars a year on software purchased from the private sector or procured from government contractors. Most of this software acquisition ends up in failure. President Barack Obama has made it a priority to shift technology acquisition policies to solve this problem and restore technology innovation by embracing open source.
- The Future Is Open
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OSEHRA 2017 Open Source Summit
The Open Source Electronic Health Record Alliance (OSEHRA) is pleased to announce that registration for its 2017 Open Source Summit: Succeeding with the New Federal Open Source Policy, to be held June 13-15 at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center, is now available. DSS, Inc., a leading health IT corporation and active participant in the OSEHRA community, will be returning as Conference Sponsor.“Our Summit continues to be a unique community forum for open source activities, and a great example of public-private partnership,” said Seong K. Mun, President of OSEHRA.
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VA CDS Knowledge Artifacts, CDS Connect, and the OSEHRA Community.
Veterans Health Administration’s Office of Knowledge Based Systems (KBS) has made significant investments in the representation of clinical knowledge in standardized, computer-friendly form, such that future systems may more rapidly manage and deploy documentation templates, order sets, and event-condition-action rules within and across VHA environments.
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