Santa Cruz

See the following -

BrewDog’s Open-Source Revolution Is at the Vanguard of Postcapitalism

Paul Mason | The Guardian | February 29, 2016

...a very interesting thing just happened. BrewDog, the Scottish-based brewery whose beer outlets are spreading rapidly across the globe, just open-sourced its recipe collection. In a cheeky press release, its founders quipped: “Oh, and if you are from one of the global beer mega corporations and you are reading this, your computer will spontaneously combust, James Bond style, any second now.”...

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Surgical Robots to Provide Open-Source Platform for Medical Robotics Research

Hannah Hickey | | January 12, 2012

In a basement on the University of Washington campus perch seven identical robots. Named Raven, each has two winglike arms that end in tiny claws designed to perform surgery on a simulated patient. Read More »