Axesson’s California Direct HISP Selects iBlueButton to Provide Patients with Mobile Access to Healthcare Records

Press Release | Humetrix, Axesson | July 22, 2014

Humetrix and California Direct to Provide Participating Physicians and Hospitals With Complete Set of Tools to Securely Transmit Records to Patients’ Mobile Devices

Del Mar, CA, July 22, 2014 - Humetrix, the mobile medical apps company that puts patients in control of their own healthcare, today announced that its iBlueButton app has been selected by California Direct, to provide participating physicians with the means to securely transmit medical records to patients via their mobile devices. The addition of the iBlueButton app adds mobile capabilities to the California Direct offering for the first time, allowing patients to receive and carry their medical records and share them with doctors at the point of care.

Humetrix and Axesson, which powers California Direct, will demonstrate this advanced level of interoperability at the Redwood MedNet Conference on July 25, 2014 in Santa Rosa. Beginning on August 1 participating hospitals and physicians can use iBlueButton to transmit medical records directly their patient’s mobile devices.

"iBlueButton adds enormous value to California Direct, by giving our physicians the capability to empower their patients," said Bill Beighe, general manager of Axesson. "With the ability to push medical records to patients’ mobile devices, participating doctors and health systems improve communications and allow patients to actively manage and drive their own healthcare decisions. We are using several standards including Direct Messaging, Blue Button+ and Consolidated CDA to facilitate the interoperability with modern health technology that is deployed or being deployed by providers and hospitals across the country."

Physicians and hospitals that use California Direct to facilitate communication between providers, care team members, and patients can now offer iBlueButton for download to their patients’ devices and iBlueButton Professional for physician use on their iPads. Once patients have the app, doctors can push care summaries and other important medical records securely to their devices, so patients have an up to date picture of their medical history on hand at each doctor’s visit or interaction.

"California Direct fills a critical HIE gap in California by offering a low cost HIE service to providers," said Pamela Lane, California Health and Human Services Agency (CHHS), Deputy Secretary, Health Information and CalOHII Director. "The addition of the iBlueButton mobile app now provides a practical means for the exchange of critical health information between providers and their patients."

"Arming patients with their health records at the point of care can dramatically improve clinical outcomes and even save lives," said Dr. Bettina Experton, CEO of Humetrix. "California Direct is among the organizations leading the way in capitalizing on both consumers' and providers' broad adoption of mobile devices to accelerate health information exchange and interoperability for safer and more coordinated care in the United States. With iBlueButton, physicians can give their patients a powerful tool that puts critical health information in the palm of their hands and make them active participants in their own healthcare."

California Direct and Humetrix demonstrated iBlueButton earlier this year in State of California health information exchange pilots conducted in Santa Cruz and San Diego and at the Interoperability Showcase at HIMSS 2014.

About iBlueButton

iBlueButton automatically pulls or receives healthcare records from the VA, TRICARE, Medicare and Meaningful Use stage 2 (MU-2)certified EMRs on a user’s smartphone or tablet. iBlueButton records are totally secure because they come directly to the user's device and are not stored on a third party server where they could be tampered with. It uses Blue Button+/ MU-2 standards to parse and receive records via the Direct secure data transport protocol. iBlueButton is available for download from iTunes and Google Play.

About Axesson

Axesson, which powers California Direct, delivers health information exchange and analytic solutions necessary to make healthcare succeed. Our team’s 15+ years of experience creating system interoperability allow us to bring you complete connectivity solutions. Axesson is a member of DirectTrust and the National Association for Trusted Exchange, both of which are key to facilitating patient and provider secure communication. Axesson operates the Santa Cruz Health Information Exchange (SCHIE), one of the longest-running in the industry, and supports clients in over 20 states. For more information about Axesson, please visit For more information about California Direct, visit

About Humetrix

Humetrix has pioneered the development of innovative consumer-centered IT solutions over the past 15 years, which have been deployed around the world. Humetrix’s award winning iBlueButton and ICEBlueButton apps are the mobile embodiment of the Federal Blue Button initiative launched in 2010 by the Veterans Administration, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the U.S. Department of Defense, now embraced by over 500 organizations and available to more than 150 million Americans.

Press contacts:

Cheryl Delgreco, Media Strategies

Liora Bram, Media Strategies