MedVirginia Shares Data with VA, DOD in Hampton Roads Pilot

Mary Mosquera | Government Health IT | December 16, 2010

The MedVirginia health information exchange has started sharing patient records with the Veterans Affairs and Defense Departments in the Hampton Roads, Va., area, the second community to start testing the virtual lifetime electronic record (VLER).

MedVirginia enables the federal health agencies to access the private clinical records of veterans and service members in the region, according to a Dec. 13 announcement by the Richmond-based health information exchange.

One other VLER pilot is operational in San Diego, and three are in development in Spokane, Wash.; Indianapolis, Ind.; and a rural region of Utah.

VLER is the Obama administration's effort to develop a single electronic system to track the medical, benefits and administrative records of service members when they enlist in the military throughout the remainder of their lives as veterans.