OSCON Adds Healthcare Track to Upcoming Conference

Lisa Hoover | O Static | March 31, 2011

Organizers for the O'Reilly Open Source Convention (OSCON) announced plans to include a new healthcare track at this year's conference, slated to be held in Portland in July. The intent is to bring attention to emerging trends and technology in healthcare, and discuss ways open source software fits into the picture.

The planning team has also put out a call for participation, offering people the opportunity to give presentations on nice different aspects of healthcare including patient-centered care and health date exchange. The team is looking specifically for government policymakers, healthcare professionals, researchers, and others who are directly plugged into the healthcare field. O'Reilly Media Editor Andy Oram stresses submitters aren't required to use open source software at their company, because the focus of the track is more about "open data, standards, collaborative knowledge sharing" than specific software philosophy.