solar storm

See the following -

NASA: Earth Just Dodged Comms-Killing Solar Blast In 2012

Iain Thomson | The Register | March 19, 2014

The Register, March 19, 2014-A new analysis of data from NASA's Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO) by Chinese and Berkeley helioboffins shows that a July 2012 solar storm of unprecedented size would have wiped out global electronic systems if it had occurred just nine days earlier.

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Solar Storm Could Leave Britain Without Power 'For Months'

Jennifer O'Mahoney | The Telegraph | June 7, 2013

The risk of a catastrophic solar storm that would leave countries including the United Kingdom and United States without electricity for days or even months will peak in 2015, a new report claims. Read More »

Solar Storm Could Leave Britain Without Power 'For Months'

Jennifer O'Mahoney | The Telegraph | June 7, 2013

The risk of a catastrophic solar storm that would leave countries including the United Kingdom and United States without electricity for days or even months will peak in 2015, a new report claims. Read More »

Space Storms Could Knock Out The World’s Entire Critical Communications Infrastructure

Alan Woodward | Quartz | August 12, 2013

In 1859, from Aug. 28 to Sept. 2, we were given an important lesson about how vulnerable we are to the Sun’s power. The Carrington Event, named for the amateur astronomer who recorded it, Richard Christopher Carrington, was a coronal mass ejection: a huge burst of solar wind... Read More »